Moving Shadows

By Julie Brown 


Moving Shadows, They have been called “shadow people”, “shadow figure”, “black masses” (to name a few, by some of those who have experienced their presence. I prefer to consider them or shadow beings, or "shadow creatures", only because creatures that appear animal like in form have also been witnessed. 
 Shadow people have been seen all over the world, for thousands of years. They appear to come in various forms, with people reporting various extremes of experience with them, from seeing undetermined shadows moving from the corner of their eyes, to seeing  human figure shaped shadows move across a room, to the more extreme experiences; sleep paralysis and the “intruder” or “demon”, “hat man”, “hag”, and other similar beings, though I suspect they should not be all lumped together in the same category. 
There are many theories concerning the shadow people, although there is very little actual information about these beings, other than the countless witness experiences with shadow beings, which are quite consistent with each other.
 Most People who have encountered the shadow people seem to agree that the shadow people avoid  interaction with humans, and appear to be observing human people, or perhaps more specifically certain types of people, or people in certain circumstances. Some people claim to have contacted them through Ouija  boards, and recorded them on EVP’s.  What do these beings have in common? What is it that interests these shadow  beings? What is their motivation, what is their purpose?


The "Shadow People"

By Julie Brown 

The “Shadow People”, whom I prefer to call shadow beings, charming shadow beings in fact,who should be treated with kindness. 
Many people, from all over the world have reported encounters with shadow beings,  and no doubt an even greater amount of encounters go unmentioned. 
Interestingly,  accounts of “shadow people” encounters are eerily similar.  People often report moving shadows being spotted out of the corners of their eyes,  moving quickly and disappearing when the witness turns to look. And more  impressively seeing a black shadow in a shape resembling that of a human form, who quickly disappears down a hall, into the shadows, into a wall, or simply evaporating  thin air. These shadow beings seem aware of the presence of humans and attempt to escape observation when noticed, they even appear startled at times, proof that they possess emotions, and are possibly very sensitive, perhaps we are the ones frightening them, after all, this universe does not belong to human beings alone, though many humans arrogantly believe so. They should not be treated as they are invading our space, like unwelcome intruders. 
The fact that they exhibit an emotional reaction when their presence is discovered, could provide an  enormous insight into the identity and motivation of these shadow beings, As they give a definite impression that, whatever they may truly be, they do indeed appear  be living, moving, feeling, and thinking shadows.
  Shadow people are commonly referred to as evil, legions of Satan, demonic, malevolent, potentially, harmful, and many other derogatory things, which to me seem to be quite an overreaction for very little reason,and in my opinion completely fits the definition of racism and discrimination, they are a race of beings, and deserving of respect. To assume that they are evil because people commonly experience a feeling of dread, anxiety, fear etc. is jumping to an enormous conclusion based on an overreaction; much the way other human races have been perceived and unfairly treated throughout history. 
People often feel anxiety during any surprising events, especially a paranormal one. And considering that these shadow beings are often reported to be seen attempting to flee when discovered observing humans would seem to imply that we cause a similar reaction in them, or at least some of them.  Assuming that they are demonic entities seems to me to be an overreaction and jumping to conclusions that could create a great detriment to the work of actually learning the truth about these beings,and getting to know and understand them. These charming beings, have caused no actual harm, other than spooking people  out.  to assume the worst, or jump to negative conclusions could generate an unpleasant and negative, unwelcoming,  possibly even hostile energy, that hostility being created on the part of the human race, not the fault of the shadow beings who have always appeared extremely gentle, shy, and seemingly very sensitive. How would you feel, as a person, if you walked into a room and everyone gasped and said "oh my God what is that", "that's scary, that's evil", "what is that thing "? And if this happened everywhere you go? I doubt it would put you in the mood to be friendly. These beings simply leave peacefully, never hurting anyone.
Can the same be said about the human race?